The Lytle's Cruisin' Since 2011

This blog has become a part of history since our first Mediterranean Cruise experience in 2011 with the original Lytle Crew (Amy, Jamie, Emily, Uncle Chris and Aunt "Momma" Sue) and we are happy to say that we get to continue with our new cruise adventure this year. We will continue to fill this blog with our witty banter of the experiences and escapades we will encounter of this new Mediterranean Cruise. Our new additions to this "ain't broke, don't fix it" club are Michael, Karen, Grandma and Aunt Carolyn. We hope you enjoy both of our (2011 and 2015) across the Atlantic vagabondage as we set sail for another once in a lifetime experience with the people we hold most dear to our hearts (family).

Monday, June 20, 2011

Today 4 You

Day 2 (6/19/11)

Travel day is the name of the game for day two, we start very early at the LAX airport for our flight to New York City. This flight on JetBlue was made bearable by the individual television sets and the FOOD Network channel which was on constantly for us. After arriving in the Big City, we took a taxi to our hotel. Let’s just say after that ride, we know we won’t get sea sick on the cruise ship.  Who knew driving crazy and illegally was allowed, maybe only in NYC. Like Buddy says in the movie “Elf”, “The yellow ones don’t stop” (referring to the NY taxis).  After getting over that crazy driving episode, we could barely register our stun and disbelief at how wonderful and amazing our hotel that we found on would be.   An oasis in the mist of the swarming masses, it stood like a glorious palace with huge rooms and a sparkly lobby.  Only misshape here was at first we were assigned an occupied room with a gentlemen still in the restroom, the hotel apologized with a complimentary bottle of wine which we gladly accepted.  

The lobby of our hotel in NYC.

As soon as we got settled it was off to dinner at the local Irish pub with Sheppard’s Pie and cheeseburgers.  A nice walk to Time Square ensued where we ate the best cheesecake in the city at Junior’s on Broadway. Amy enjoyed the Raspberry Swirled Cheesecake while Jamie and Emily had the Devil’s Food Cheesecake. They were huge slices but delicious all the same.  
Amy enjoying a delicious slice of heaven (raspberry cheesecake).
The crowds at Time Square were too much for this group so we headed over to the Empire State Building to catch the best view of the NYC skyline at night.  To our dismay, the crowds were even denser at the ESB, but Amy, Jamie, Emily and Aunt Sue stuck it out while Uncle Chris bailed for the peace and quiet (complimentary wine) at the hotel.   The view was breathtaking but we were pooped, so it was a quick trip atop the ESB and then back to the hotel for some R and R. All in all, a fun and productive first day in the city.

The streets of Time Square, picture taken by Emily.
Waiting for my blueberry pancakes tomorrow for breakfast,
Jamie, Amy, Emily, Aunt Sue and Uncle Chris

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I can never forget our trip to NY :) Hopefully we can travel again soon lovely!

    I'm so happy you are going to experience Europe, you will know why I miss it sooo much lol

    Have fun, miss ya, love ya lots!!

    Many hellos to your family from your gabsies <3
