The Lytle's Cruisin' Since 2011

This blog has become a part of history since our first Mediterranean Cruise experience in 2011 with the original Lytle Crew (Amy, Jamie, Emily, Uncle Chris and Aunt "Momma" Sue) and we are happy to say that we get to continue with our new cruise adventure this year. We will continue to fill this blog with our witty banter of the experiences and escapades we will encounter of this new Mediterranean Cruise. Our new additions to this "ain't broke, don't fix it" club are Michael, Karen, Grandma and Aunt Carolyn. We hope you enjoy both of our (2011 and 2015) across the Atlantic vagabondage as we set sail for another once in a lifetime experience with the people we hold most dear to our hearts (family).

Friday, July 17, 2015

We're Okay

Day 15 (7/2/11)
The adventure continues bright and early in Marseilles, France.  The night before, we decided for the first time on this trip to book a bus excursion in Marseilles.  This was unlike our other excursions because it was a group excursion and not private like with Joe Banana.  Not that we had a bad experience, just different. The bus took us through Marseilles and up to the Notre Dame de la Garde.  Not only was the church beautiful, made  of cream-colored marble and vaulted gold ceilings (see picture below), but the view was indescribable.   You could see all of Marseilles and far across the Mediterranean Sea.  Since it was Sunday, the church was in session, so we walked quietly around inside and out, enjoying the somber ambiance of this beautiful church on the hill.
The breathtaking ceilings in the Notre Dame de la Garde.

Left: The even more amazing view from the top of the hill where the church is settled. Right: Picture of Jamie, Emily and Amy taken outside the Notre Dame de la Garde.

Then we boarded the bus, which took us to the center of Marseilles.  We wanted to see the apartment in which Grandma grew up in. We decided to take the long hike up Rue Paradis to Grandma's childhood home.  Out of curiosity, we knocked on the door.  We were greeted by the elderly couple who currently own the building.  They did not speak English, but Uncle Chris and Emily were able to communicate with them in their rusty French.  They were very kind, letting us to come in to the lobby.  Unfortunately, the second floor (where Grandma lived) was currently inhabited, and we weren't allowed to look.

The Lytle's outside of Grandma's apartment in Marseilles, France.

After that, we were too hot and tired to make the trek back, so we took a taxi to the city center.  We ate lunch at a cute French restaurant.  The food was very heavy, but definitely delicious.

The menu of the restaurant we went to in Marseilles. Amy might have found it heavy but Jamie remembers it being delicious!!

After a very long, hot and sticky day, we decided to head back to the ship early (4:00pm, that was early for us) and took the bus back. We mellowed out with pool time and sushi eating (yes, before a full course dinner). One thing we learned from this cruise is that you have to take advantage of all the ship has to offer which includes a lot of food and fun!

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